AG Corps HOF & DMOC Classes of 2018

LTG (Ret) Michael D. Rochelle served our Army for 37 ½ years in key positions during a challenging period of persistent conflict in support of the Global War on Terror, while contributing to the advancement of the Adjutant General’s Corps and Army human resources (HR) professionals. As the Army G1, his leadership and vision positioned the Army’s HR enterprise to provide world-class support to the force through exemplary HR policies, programs, and initiatives to support and sustain the Total Army. LTG (Ret) Rochelle’s initiatives focused on setting conditions for a developing force in line with current demands through the Army Human Capital Strategy (AHCS) and Army Civilian Human Capital Strategy (CHCS), an efficient and cost-conscious road map to restore balance and sustain the all-volunteer Total Force.

MG (Ret) Richard P. Mustion was commissioned into the AG Corps in May of 1981 and is one of the Corps’ most dynamic and influential senior AG leaders in recent memory, having accomplished positive, lasting, and significant contributions over his stellar 34-year military career that continues to support the Army and AG Corps today. He served with distinction creating a significant positive impact in some of the AG Corps’ toughest assignments, including the following: Commander, 502nd Personnel Services Battalion; G-1, 4th Infantry Division; Commander, 8th PERSCOM; Chief of the AG Corps / Commandant, AG School / Chief of Army Bands; Commander, Soldier Support Institute; The Adjutant General of the Army; Director, Military Personnel Management Directorate, Army G1; and culminating as the Commanding General, Human Resources Command.

BG (Ret) David K. “Mac” MacEwen provided exceptionally meritorious service in positions of increasing responsibility during his Army career, culminating as The Adjutant General of the United States Army, U.S. Army Human Resources Command. Throughout his career, he provided strategic vision, leadership, management, and direction, enabling every organization he was assigned to expand its capabilities and effectiveness. His assignments included: command of a Personnel Services Battalion, a Theater Personnel Command, and the Soldier Support Institute; he served as the V Corps G1/AG, the Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army Human Resources Command, the Chief of Colonels Management in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, and as the Executive Officer to the Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army.

COL (Ret) John W. Radke has served the AG Corps for over 40 years. As the Chief, Army Retirement Services from January 2002 to June 2016, he directly impacted over one million retired Soldiers and surviving spouses through the planning, directing, integration, and evaluation of all policy formulation, and implementation of the Army Retirement Services Program, an integral component of the Army Soldier for Life Program. COL (Ret) Radke developed regulatory guidance and had program oversight of 117 retirement services offices worldwide, including 51 retirement services offices on Army Installations, 54 in Army National Guard states & territories, and 12 on joint bases, in Medical Command, and within the Army Materiel Command.

COL (Ret) Mark A. Rado entered the Army in 1985. He held command and staff positions at every level and served in roles across the tactical, organizational, and strategic spectrum. Commanding at the Company, Battalion, and Brigade levels, he served extensively in the institutional Army, retiring in 2015. He also served as the Principal Deputy to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Military Personnel and Quality of Life. In this capacity, he significantly contributed to a $57 billion broad and diverse military personnel and quality of life portfolio that included Army capital management, health affairs, recruiting, retention, transition, and military personnel policy oversight. He was also significantly instrumental in serving as an IPPS-A Co-Chair for the program’s Council of Colonels, providing governance to the Army’s new and emerging personnel and pay system.

CW5 (Ret) Ronald G. Galloway first entered the Army in 1978. He served in myriad assignments throughout his Army career, including as Assistant Executive Officer to three Chiefs of Staff, Army; Military Assistant to two Secretaries of the Army; and as the 3rd AG Corps Chief Warrant Officer. As the 3rd AG Corps Chief Warrant Officer, he was significantly instrumental in changing the way AG School Warrant Officer instructors were selected, requiring them to have served in a deployed Brigade within 12 months of being assigned as an instructor. As the Fort Hood Installation AG, CW5 (Ret) Galloway oversees a 20,000 Active Component Soldier Readiness Processing and 15,000 Reserve Component Mobilization and Deployment Unit In-Processing Center, providing exemplary Army HR automation support for all.

SGM (Ret) John H. Heinrichs diligently served our Army for 35 years. During his stellar military career, he served in multiple assignments, including as the Chief, Strategic Initiatives Group, Office of the Army Sergeant Major. In this capacity, he developed and implemented the first executive-level Force Management Course for senior NCOs. This course is still taught today to key CSMs and SGMs, educating them on budget, personnel, and training & logistics systems at the Department of the Army level. His efforts within the Strategic Initiatives Group also resulted in the creation of the Army Career Tracker, which continues to be utilized today by hundreds of thousands of Soldiers and DA Civilian employees. SGM (Ret) Heinrichs also served as a DA Task Force leader redesigning the NCO education system to support the war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Army Transformation.
AG Corps Distinguished Member of the Corps (DMOC)
Class of 2018
COL (Ret) Todd Garlick
COL Neal F. McIntyre
COL (Ret) Phillip A. McNair
COL (Ret) Patricia Mulcahy
COL (Ret) Richard A. (Tony) Teolis, Jr.
COL (Ret) William A. (Al) Whatley, Jr.
LTC (Ret) James J. Galluzzo, III
CW5 (Ret) Richard L. Ford
CW5 John D. Jasinski
CW5 (Ret) Barrin K. McClendon
CW5 William S. McCulloch
CW4 (Ret) James E. Fiedler
CW4 (Ret) Kevin W. Smock
CW4 (Ret) Bryan G. Westfield
CSM Corey W. Gill
CSM (Ret) Teresa L. Meagher
CSM Raymond Rodriguez, Jr.
CSM Todd J. Shirley
CSM Lynice D. Thorpe-Noel
SGM Frankie K. Leyro