AG Corps HOF & DMOC Classes of 2017

COL (Ret) Thomas H. Palmatier served the Army for 37 ½ years as an enlisted Soldier, Warrant Officer, and Commissioned Officer. He was identified as a future leader during his first enlistment and appointed Warrant Officer Bandmaster. Soon after, he was awarded a Direct Commission and assigned to the Fifth Army DCSPER. His performance earned him subsequent selection to serve with The U.S. Army Band, “Pershing’s Own.” During this time, he developed a multi-phase facility renovation plan for the band’s 1970 Brucker Hall training facility that extended its life cycle an additional 30 years. He commanded Soldiers seven times, totaling over 20 years in both peace and war. He has led music unit deployments during OIF/OEF/OND into Qatar, Iraq, and Kuwait. He established the School of Music and served as its first Commandant laying the groundwork for today’s outstanding training of Soldier Musicians of all components. He has preserved the AG Corps Band force structure leading three successful proactive transformations of Army Music units. Since retiring from the Army, COL (Ret) Palmatier has worked worldwide as a clinician, guest conductor, consultant and continues to mentor today’s AG Corps Officers. His selfless dedication and caring leadership of our Soldiers on and off the battlefield, tireless commitment to maintaining Band structure, and passion to uphold high musical standards has been extraordinary.

COL (Ret) Joseph E. Pedone, III, served the AG Corps, the Army, the Nation, and our Soldiers for 30 years. He aggressively transformed our personnel readiness and quality of life programs that have had a lasting impact on Army personnel policies. Throughout his career, he built exceptional organizations that cared for Soldiers, Family members, and Retirees across a broad range of personnel and finance areas. COL (Ret) Pedone’s career covered the breadth and depth of the AG Corps, including assignments as a Postal Officer, Company Commander, and AG School Instructor. His key assignments include Executive Officer, General Officer Management Office; Chief, Adjutant General Branch; Commander, 95th Reception Battalion; G1, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault); Chief, Enlisted Distribution Division; and Commander, 1st Personnel Group. His culminating assignment was as J1, US Pacific Command. Since his retirement in 2009, COL (Ret) Pedone has continued to support the Army with his work as the Project Director, with Booz Allen Hamilton supporting the Deployment Health Assessment Program, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, HQDA.

COL (Ret) Arthur A. Strange, III, distinguished himself through commendable service to the Army, the Nation, and its Soldiers for 30 years. He continually established highly functioning, well-organized units whose command climates always enabled Soldiers to achieve extremely high standards. COL (Ret) Strange has served from the Company level to Army Service Component Command. He is among the few AG Officers who earned the Special Forces Tab. His operational experience includes Operation Golden Pheasant, Operations Desert Shield / Desert Storm, Operations Joint Forge, Iraqi Freedom, and Enduring Freedom. His key assignments include serving as the G1, 82nd Airborne Division; Commander, 510th Personnel Services Battalion; G1, XVIII Airborne Corp; and theater CJ1 Multinational Corps – Iraq. He culminated his career serving as the J1, Joint Special Operations Command. Since his retirement in 2010, COL (Ret) Strange has continued his service to the Army as a DA Civilian employee and is currently serving as the FORSCOM Deputy G1.

CW5 (Ret) Tommy W. Daughtry served the AG Corps with over 40 years of honorable service, first as an Enlisted Soldier, followed by over 29 years as an AG Corps Military Personnel Technician. He rose to Sergeant First Class in 11 years before being appointed a Warrant Officer Personnel Technician in 1984. CW5 (Ret) Daughtry’s career is deep-rooted with unmatched technical expertise, soaring standards, and a legacy of coaching, teaching, and mentoring that will have generational impacts on the Adjutant General’s Corps, the U.S. Army, and our Nation. He served as a Personnel Technician, Detachment Commander, and Chief of Personnel Operations. His key assignments include service as the Administrative Assistant to the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe; Chief of Administrative Support Branch for the Joint Staff; and Chief, Personnel Actions, XVIII Airborne Corps in Iraq. He concluded his service as the XVIII Airborne Corps Field Operations Division Chief. Since his retirement in 2013, CW5 (Ret) Daughtry has continued to provide staunch support to the Army, AG Corps, Wounded Warriors, local schools, churches, and a nursing home as a volunteer, and the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association.

CW5 (Ret) Edwin Nieves-Beauchamp has made positive, lasting, and significant contributions throughout his more than 29 years of dedicated service to the Adjutant General’s Corps. His service with Special Forces Group has been recognized throughout the SOF Community, and his contributions during early deployments resulted in many effective changes in how HR support is provided to Commanders during deployments. CW5 (Ret) Nieves has served in extensive assignments including Detachment Commander, Enlisted Strength Manager, Chief of Personal Operations, Officer Strength Manager, and Special Forces Group S1. His key assignments include service as the CJSOTF J1 Plans and Operations Officer, 1st Corps Enlisted Strength Manger, and concluding as Chief, Personnel Operations Branch, 1st Corps. He excelled in positions of increasing responsibility during multiple deployments and was a pillar in our personnel transformation as we know it today. CW5 (Ret) Nieves culminated his career as the Chief, Personnel Operations, I Corps G1, Fort Lewis, WA. Since his retirement, he has opened a property management company, managing over 80 rental properties for Military Families.

CSM (Ret) Darlene C. Hagood distinguished herself through meritorious service to the Army, the Nation, its Soldiers, and Civilians for 26 years. She was a transformational leader in every sense; she knew many of her contributions would not be realized until long after she departed the Army. She was also a quiet professional NCO, always deferring to the Officer she served while ensuring they always spoke with one voice. CSM (Ret) Hagood has served in all NCO leadership positions, from Squad Leader to Platoon Sergeant to First Sergeant. She has also served in staff administration positions at the Company, Brigade, and Installation levels, including two deployments to Bosnia. Her key assignments include serving as CSM, 95th Adjutant General (Reception) Battalion, and CSM, Eastern Sector, U.S. MEPCOM, culminating with her assignment as the 6th Adjutant General School and Corps Command Sergeant Major. Since her retirement in 2012, CSM (Ret) Hagood has continued to support the AG Corps and the Army through her work with the AG Corps Regimental Association Carolina Chapter, and as a community volunteer.

CSM (Ret) Freddie Lash distinguished himself through meritorious service to the Army, the Nation, its Soldiers, and Civilians for 28 years. He was known throughout the Army as one of the most trusted and respected leaders in the AG Corps. He was also well known for his unmatched professionalism, untiring efforts toward mission accomplishment, and building successful teams and positive relationships. CSM (Ret) Lash served in various NCO leadership assignments beginning in Baumholder, Germany in 1978. He performed duties as Personnel Services NCO, Personnel Supervisor, Personnel Management Supervisor, Instructor, Course Director, and First Sergeant. His key assignments included NCO Academy Deputy Commandant; U.S. Army Recruiting Command G1 Sergeant Major; 509th Personnel Services Battalion CSM; 1st Personnel Group CSM; and he served as the 2nd Adjutant General School CSM. He concluded his illustrious career as the Soldier Support Institute CSM. Since his retirement in 2004, CSM (Ret) Lash has continued to support the military as a contractor supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom from 2004 – 2010, and was selected to serve as the AG Corps Honorary Command Sergeant Major.
AG Corps Distinguished Member of the Corps (DMOC)
Class of 2017
BG James T. Iacocca
COL (Ret) Ralph E. Allison Jr.
COL (Ret) Michael D. Copenhaver
COL (Ret) Jon D. Kindred
COL (Ret) John W. Radke
COL John E. Sena Jr.
COL Jack L. Usrey
COL (Ret) Robert C. Whaley
CW5 David G. Betancourt
CW5 (Ret) Tommy W. Daughtry
CW5 (Ret) Andre Davis, Sr.
CW5 (Ret) John L. Harrison, Sr.
CW5 Marty Ann Hupp
CW5 Jacque L. Nixon
CW5 (Ret) Jose S. Vigil
CW4 (Ret) Constantine S. Green
CW4 (Ret) Kerry M. Smith
CSM Wardell Jefferson
SGM Tamara J. Gregory
SGM Derek D. Johnson
SGM Donald W. Kiefer
SGM (Ret) Demont A. Roberson
Ms. Jeanne E. Bankard